1 lb firm tofu
water/stock for sauteing
1 onion (or 1/2 onion and 4 scallions), chopped
1 stalk celery, chopped
2 cloves garlic, pressed or chopped
1/4 cup tomato paste
2 Tbls shoyu (soy sauce)
2 Tbls vinegar
1/2 tsp prepared mustard
2 cups water or stock
cayenne and/or black pepper to taste
Cut tofu into 1/4 inch thick pieces about the size of the bread you want to serve it on (I got 12 slices from a pound of tofu).
Combine the tomato paste, soy sauce, vinegar, mustard, and stock in a small bowl. Heat the stock or water to boiling in a
shallow skillet, and sauce onion, garlic, and celery until just tender. Add sauce and bring to a boil, then simmer 5 minutes.
Add tofu slices, making sure that they are covered with sauce (try to get them in a single layer, with only slight overlaps if
possible. Cook uncovered for about 20 minutes, until most of the sauce has cooked away.
You can also cook this partially covered for 20 minutes and serve it over rice. I combined the methods by cooking it covered
for 15 minutes, scooping some out to have with rice, then cooking the remaining stuff uncovered until the sauce was gone.
This is a good dish, but I think next time I'll make it more of a barbeque sauce by adding some molasses and ketchup.